Council Meeting Agenda
Council Meeting

Council Chambers - Hybrid
60 Snyder's Road West
Baden, Ontario
N3A 1A1

This meeting will be held in-person and electronically in accordance with Section 238 (3.3) of the Municipal Act, 2001. Please subscribe to the Township of Wilmot You Tube Channel to watch the live stream or view after the meeting.
Delegations must register with the Legislative Services Department. The only matters being discussed at this meeting will be those on the Agenda.


    THAT Council reconvenes in Open Session at 7:00 p.m.






  • Item 12.5 - Petition for Drainage Works by Owners of 1089 Huron Street Regarding North Part Lot 27, Concession South of Bleams Road, COR 2023-26; updated to include the name of the proposed work and to clarify under Step 11 that additions to the petition must be made in writing. 
  • Item 12.8 - 2023 Municipal Budget Package, COR 2023-08



    That the Agenda as presented for March 20, 2023 be adopted.


    THAT the minutes of the following meetings be adopted as presented:

    • March 06, 2023





    THAT Report COR 2023-025, prepared by the Manager of Finance / Deputy Treasurer, outlining honorariums and expenditures of Council and Committee Members for the 2022 fiscal year, be adopted.


    THAT the Cash-in-Lieu of Parkland Statement for the year ended December 31, 2022, be received for information purposes, to comply to the Smart Growth for Our Communities Act (Bill 73).


    THAT the Development Charges Statement for the year ended December 31, 2022, prepared by the Manager of Finance / Deputy Treasurer, be received for information purposes.




THAT Report CAO 2023-03 be received for information purposes; and further

THAT staff be directed to continue working with RedBrick Communications on the next steps to finalize the Township’s Communications and Engagement Strategy.


    That Council recommend to the Region of Waterloo the following amendments to the Township’s conditions of draft approval for Draft Plan of Proposed Subdivision 30T-19601 dated February 22, 2021:

    1. Replace condition 1 with:
      1. That this approval applies to plan of subdivision 30T-19601 by MHBC Planning, dated August 30, 2022 which shows a total of 6 industrial development blocks, 2 stormwater management blocks, 3 drainage channels, 4 reserve blocks (0.3m) and 3 streets proposed to be developed in 1 stage.

    2. Replace condition 2 with:
      1. That the following shall be conveyed to the Township of Wilmot for the purposes stated therein, at no cost and free and clear of all encumbrances:
      2. Blocks 6 and 7 as a stormwater management facility;
      3. Blocks 9, 10 and 11 as overland drainage and servicing channels; and,
      4. Blocks 12, 13, 14, and 15 for 0.3m reserves
    3. Delete condition 3 and replace with:
      1. That a 9m easement be conveyed to the Township of Wilmot along the west side of Block 1 for the purposes of preserving a landscaped 9m buffer along west property line that abuts residential development.

    4. Replace condition 14 with:

    14.That the subdivider shall submit a landscaping plan prepared by a qualified landscape architect for boulevard tree plantings, the 9m buffer along the west side of Block 1, as well as Blocks 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 to be approved by the Township.

    1. Replace condition 15 with:

    15.That the Subdivider shall landscape the 9m buffer along the west side of Block 1 as well as Blocks 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 in accordance with the approved plan required in condition 14 above.

    1. Replace all occurrences of “Street One” with “Howie Meeker Blvd.” within conditions 19 and 20.

    2. Delete conditions 25, 26, and 27.

    3. Renumber condition 28 as condition 25 and delete “Stage 2”.

    4. Renumber conditions 29 as condition 26 and replace the words “the final approval of Stage 1” with “registration”.

    5. Renumber condition 30 as condition 27 and replace with:

    27.That prior to registration, the Township, the Ministry of Transportation and other parties as deemed necessary, enter into an agreement or agreements to secure the following:

    a.establish the entirety of Blocks 1-5 as being within the MTO control area;

    b.that upon issuance of MTO and municipal permits for a cumulative gross floor area of 750,000 square feet within Blocks 1-5 (hereinafter referred to as the “Cap”) no additional Building and Land Use permits will be issued until the owner has submitted to the Ministry of Transportation for their review and approval, a copy of a Traffic Impact Study prepared in accordance with Ministry of Transportation requirements, indicating the anticipated traffic volumes and their impact upon the intersection of Highway 7/8 at Hamilton Road and Highway 7/8 at Nafziger Road;

    c.that subsequent owners of any part of the development lands be advised that any existing buildings within the development will have used up some or all of the Cap, so there may be little or no Cap remaining to be utilized by such other subsequent owners before the Traffic Impact Study and subsequent highway improvements are completed;

    d.that should the Traffic Impact Study identify additional improvements to accommodate additional floor area beyond the 750,000 square feet identified in condition 27b, funding arrangements for the design and construction of the Highway 7/8 improvements shall be made to the satisfaction of the Ministry of Transportation and Township of Wilmot in consultation with the Region of Waterloo and Owners prior to issuance of any additional Building and Land Use permits; and

    e.that the Owners shall be financially responsible only for the portion of works attributable to the traffic generated from the development of their lands and the Township, Region and MTO shall be financially responsible for their respective portions of the intersection improvements attributable to the traffic from all other sources, as documented in the approved Traffic Impact Study.

    1. Renumber condition 31 as condition 28.


    That Council recommend to the Region of Waterloo the following amendments to the Township’s conditions of draft approval for Draft Plan of Proposed Subdivision 30T-19602 dated March 9, 2023:

    1. Replace the date “February 2, 2021” with “March 9, 2023” and “2 stages” with “1 stage” within condition 1.

    2. Replace condition 2 with:
      1. That the following shall be conveyed to the Township of Wilmot for the purposes stated therein, at no cost and free and clear of all encumbrances:
      2. Blocks 15, 16 and 17 as overland drainage channels;
      3. Block 18 as a walkway;
      4. Blocks 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23 as 0.3m reserves; and
      5. Block 14 as an emergency access block.

    3. Delete “of Stage 2”, replace “Street Two” with “Hahn Brass Way”, and replace “Street Three” with “Vernon Erb Drive” within condition 3.

    4. Replace “Stage 1, Blocks 7, 8, 9 and 10 and Stage 2, Block 8” with “Blocks 15, 16, 17 and 18” within condition 14 and 15.

    5. Replace “Street One” with “Howie Meeker Blvd.” within condition 19.

    6. Replace “the final approval of Stage 1” with “registration” within condition 25.

    7. Delete condition 26 and replace with:

    26.That prior to registration, the Township, the Ministry of Transportation and other parties as deemed necessary, enter into an agreement or agreements to secure the following:

    a.establish the entirety of Blocks 1-13 as being within the MTO control area;

    b.that upon issuance of MTO and municipal permits for a cumulative gross floor area of 250,000 square feet within Blocks 1-13 (hereinafter referred to as the “Cap”) no additional Building and Land Use permits will be issued until the owner has submitted to the Ministry of Transportation for their review and approval, a copy of a Traffic Impact Study prepared in accordance with Ministry of Transportation requirements, indicating the anticipated traffic volumes and their impact upon the intersection of Highway 7/8 at Hamilton Road and Highway 7/8 at Nafziger Road;

    c.that subsequent owners of any part of the development lands be advised that any existing buildings within the development will have used up some or all of the Cap, so there may be little or no Cap remaining to be utilized by such other subsequent owners before the Traffic Impact Study and subsequent highway improvements are completed;

    d.that should the Traffic Impact Study identify additional improvements to accommodate additional floor area beyond the 250,000 square feet identified in Condition 26b, funding arrangements for the design and construction of the Highway 7/8 improvements shall be made to the satisfaction of the Ministry of Transportation and Township of Wilmot in consultation with the Region of Waterloo and Owners prior to final approval of Stage 2 prior to issuance of any additional Building and Land Use permits.

    e.that the Owners shall be financially responsible only for the portion of works attributable to the traffic generated from the development of their lands and the Township, Region and MTO shall be financially responsible for their respective portions of the intersection improvements attributable to the traffic from all other sources, as documented in the approved Traffic Impact Study.


    THAT staff be directed to pursue recommendations outlined in the Public Works Operations Space Needs Analysis Report, to:

    1. purchase land so as to significantly expand the size of the operations area to meet a 30-60 year growth horizon; and
    2. following land purchase, plan a phased construction of Public Works Operations Centre to meet space needs, adjacency, environmental and growth requirements for modern Municipal Operations through release of a design RFP; and
    3. through the course of design, include the phased approach to site development needs within the 10-year capital plan.


    THAT Report COR 2023-026, regarding a petition for drainage works by Owners of 1089 Huron Street regarding North Part Lot 27, Concession South of Bleams Road, be received; and further,

    THAT the Council of the Township of Wilmot hereby accepts the petition for new drainage works on the North Part Lot 27, Concession South of Bleams Road in the Township of Wilmot; and further,

    THAT Council appoint K. Smart Associates Limited as the Engineer to make an examination of the area, in accordance with Section 8 of the Drainage Act, R.S.O 1990.


    THAT staff be directed to grandfather facility use subsidies and in-kind staff costs for historical special events taking place at Township facilities for 2023 as outlined in Report CS 2023-02; and further,


    THAT Report CS 2023-02 Ice Facilities Outside the Township of Wilmot be received for information purposes.


    THAT the 2023 Municipal Budget, as recommended by the Finance and Budget Committee be approved as presented; and further,

    THAT the Director of Corporate Services / Treasurer be authorized to prepare the necessary levying by-law to raise $10,643,850 for Township purposes from general taxation.









    THAT the Confirmatory By-law, as attached to this agenda, be read a first, second and third time, and finally passed in Open Council.



    THAT we do now adjourn to meet again at the call of the Mayor.

No Item Selected