Council Meeting Minutes

Council Meeting

Meeting #:
Council Chambers - Hybrid
60 Snyder's Road West
Baden, Ontario
N3A 1A1
Members Present:
  • Mayor N. Salonen
  • Councillor S. Cressman
  • Councillor K. Wilkinson
  • Councillor H. Sidhu
  • Councillor S. Martin
Staff Present:
  • Chief Administrative Officer, S. Chambers
  • Director of Corporate Services/CFO, G. Clark
  • Director of Infrastructure Services, J. Molenhuis
  • Director of Development Services, H. O'Krafka
  • Manager of Legislative Services / Municipal Clerk, J. Bunn
  • Supervisor of IT, K. Jeffreys
  • Supervisor of Legislative Services / Deputy Clerk, K. Bos


  • Moved by:Councillor S. Cressman
    Seconded by:Councillor S. Martin

    THAT the Regular Council Meeting held on July 29, 2024 be called to order at 5:35 p.m.

    Motion Carried Unanimously


  • Moved by:Councillor H. Sidhu
    Seconded by:Councillor K. Wilkinson

    THAT a Closed Meeting of Council be held on July 29, 2024, at 5:35 p.m. at the Wilmot Administrative Complex, in accordance with Section 239 (2) (b) the Municipal Act, 2001, to consider the following: 

    • CAO Performance Appraisal Process - Section 239 (2) (b) personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees.
    Motion Carried Unanimously


  • Moved by:Councillor S. Martin
    Seconded by:Councillor S. Cressman

    THAT Council reconvenes in Open Session at 7:02 p.m.

    Motion Carried Unanimously

    Mayor N. Salonen reflected on the following:

    • The Passing of Former Township Councillor and Employee Ronald 'Ron' Dietrich



Councillor H. Sidhu read the Territorial Land Acknowledgment.



We had the following additions to the agenda:

  • Item 9.1 - Delegations regarding Item 12.1
    • Kevin Thomason
    • Mark Reusser on behalf of the Waterloo Federation of Agriculture
    • Andrew Wilson


  • Moved by:Councillor S. Martin
    Seconded by:Councillor H. Sidhu

    THAT the Agenda for July 29, 2024 be adopted, as amended.

    Motion Carried Unanimously

Councillor S. Cressman declared a conflict of interest with Agenda Item 11.5 IS-2024-24 - Extension of Contract for Engineering Consulting Services – Boullee Street SWM Facility Retrofit.

  • Moved by:Councillor S. Martin
    Seconded by:Councillor H. Sidhu

    THAT the Minutes of the June 24, 2024 Regular Council Meeting and July 17, 2024 Special Council Meeting be adopted as presented.

    Motion Carried Unanimously





Councillor S. Cressman pulled Item 11.6 COR-2024-35 - Petition for Drainage Works by Owners- Kevin and Tracey Erb.

  • Moved by:Councillor S. Martin
    Seconded by:Councillor S. Cressman

    THAT Consent Agenda Items 11.1, 11.2, 11.3, 11.4, 11.7 and 11.8 be approved.

    Motion Carried Unanimously
  • THAT Council award RFP2024-11, Culvert #24/B-T12 (Huron Road) and Bridge #7/B-T3 (Carmel Koch Road) to GEI Consultants Canada Limited of Guelph, Ontario as per their proposal submission on July 4, 2024, in the amount of $125,320.00 plus HST; and further,

    THAT Staff be directed to execute the Consulting Engineering Agreement documents with GEI Consultants Canada Limited to proceed with the scope of services and tasks contained in the proposal document.

  • THAT Report No. IS-2024-20, Bridge #34/B-T9, Bridge Street – Emergency Slope Repair be received for information.

  • THAT RFT 2024-21 be awarded to Steed and Evans Limited of St. Jacob’s, Ontario for the Annual Hot Mix Asphalt Program, as per their bid submission dated July 18, 2024, in the amount of $ 205,821.00, plus HST.

  • THAT the report Punkeydoodles Oxford Road 5 Project Update Report IS-2024-23 is received for information; and further,

    THAT Council approves a project funding increase to $200,000 for capital account 02-3000-0401, to be funded from Infrastructure Renewal Reserve Fund (#6125).

Councillor S. Cressman declared a conflict of interest on this item, and recused from voting.

  • Moved by:Councillor K. Wilkinson
    Seconded by:Councillor H. Sidhu

    THAT Council receive Report IS-2024-24 Extension of Contract for Engineering Consulting Services – Boullee Street SWM Facility Retrofit for information.

    Motion Carried

Council asked and received a response from staff regarding:

  • Land surrounding the improvements and landowners having the opportunity to join petition.
  • Moved by:Councillor S. Cressman
    Seconded by:Councillor S. Martin

    THAT the Petition for Drainage Works by Owners Kevin and Tracey Erb be accepted; and further,

    THAT K. Smart Associates Limited be appointed as the engineer firm to prepare a report with instruction as per Section 8(4) of the Drainage Act to include the Erb petition in the Section 78 report for the Nicklas Drain.

    Motion Carried Unanimously
  • THAT the Petition for Drainage Works by Owners JJZ Developments Inc. be accepted; and further,

    THAT the Clerk be directed to prepare and circulate a Notice of Decision to be sent to the prescribed persons under Section 5(1) (b) of the Drainage Act, 1990.



A motion was brought forward by Councillor H. Sidhu, seconded by Councillor K. Wilkinson THAT Report COR-2024-36 be received as information; and further, THAT the Clerk be directed to bring forward a By-law on the August 26, 2024 Regular Council Agenda to implement the changes outlined in this Report.

Manager of Legislative Services / Municipal Clerk, J. Bunn introduced the report.

Council asked and received a response from staff regarding:

  • Clarification on Section 6.4.2; and,
  • Timing of the request to Staff; and,
  • Consistency with other Procedural By-laws on time to submit request to Staff; and 
  • Parties involved in the review of the requests for General Interest Delegations.

Delegates K. Thomason, M. Reusser on behalf of the Waterloo Federation and A. Wilson spoke to Item 12.1. COR-2024-36 - Procedural By-law Amendment Relating to Delegations. 

Council asked and received response from delegates regarding:

  • Suggestions to handle more then 3 requests for a meeting; and,
  • Suggestions on handling time limit, if any between requests.

Council asked and received a response from staff regarding:

  • Clarification on Section 6.4.6 (v);
  • Streamlining the written submission and request to delegate process;
  • Potential on changing written submission to written summary of comments;
  • Accessibility of services regarding the written submissions;
  • Clarification on Section 6.3.4 permission to ask delegation questions; 
  • Concern regarding Section 6.4.5 the process for denying requests, a potential for an appeal process;
  • The ability to potentially increase the maximum number of 3 delegates, and overflow;
  • Clarification on the time limit for the General Interest Delegations; and,
  • Direct or indirect spheres of jurisdiction for the General Interest Delegations.

Council agreed through consensus on providing the Municipal Clerk direction to amend Section 6.4.6 (ii) of the draft Procedural By-law Amendment to strike out written submission and insert a written summary of the request. 

An amendment was brought forward by Councillor H. Sidhu, seconded by Councillor K. Wilkinson THAT the motion be amended to add THAT Council amends the draft Procedural By-law Amendment Section 6.4.1 by striking out the words and within the jurisdiction. The motion carried unanimously.

An amendment was brought Councillor S. Cressman, seconded by Councillor K. Wilkinson THAT the motion be amended to add THAT Council amends the draft Procedural By-law Amendment to add that General Interest Delegations be subject to a 3-month wait period before appearing before Council again on the same subject matter. The motion carried unanimously.

An amendment was brought forward by Councillor K. Wilkinson, seconded by Councillor S. Cressman, THAT the motion be amended to add THAT Council request Staff report back within 6-months on the implementation of this Procedural By-law Amendment specifically the maximum number of delegates for General Interest Delegations. The motion carried unanimously.

Council now voted on the main motion as amended.

  • Moved by:Councillor H. Sidhu
    Seconded by:Councillor K. Wilkinson

    THAT Report COR-2024-36 be received as information; and,

    THAT the Clerk be directed to bring forward a By-law on the August 26, 2024 Regular Council Agenda to implement the changes outlined in this Report; and,

    THAT Council amends the draft Procedural By-law Amendment Section 6.4.1 by striking out the words and within the jurisdiction; and,

    THAT Council amends the draft Procedural By-law Amendment to add that General Interest Delegations may not appear before Council on the same subject matter within 3-months; and further,

    THAT Council request Staff report back within 6-months on the implementation of this Procedural By-law Amendment specifically the maximum number of delegates for General Interest Delegations. 

    Motion Carried Unanimously


  • Mayor N. Salonen request that Council wave notice to discuss the discretionary funds allocated in the 2024 Budget.

    Moved by:Councillor S. Cressman
    Seconded by:Councillor H. Sidhu

    THAT Council waive notice to discuss the discretionary funds in the 2024 Budget.

    Motion Carried

    Mayor N. Salonen provided an introduction to the topic.

    Councillor K. Wilkinson provided comments on asking for direction and clarity on the current process.

    Councillor H. Sidhu provided comments in support of the topic.

    Mayor N. Salonen provided clarification on the intention of the discussion was to discuss how Council could access the discretionary funds.

    Council asked and received response from the Director of Corporate Services / CFO, G. Clark on the following;

    • Clarification on the process that guides this spending;
    • If any of the funds have been used; and
    • Development of a policy for Council's use of the Discretionary Funds.

    A motion was brought forward by Councillor K. Wilkinson, seconded by Councillor S. Cressman THAT Council defers the discussion on the topic of the use of discretionary funds to the August 26, 2024 Regular Council Meeting at such time Staff are directed to report back with more information. The motion carried.



Mayor N. Salonen provided announcements on:

  • Baden resident Tyler Rorke is competing in his first Olympic Games
  • Emancipation Day in Canada- August 1st
  • National Peacekeepers’ Day- August 9th
  • National Acadian Day- August 15th
  • FREE TD Summer Reading Club at Region of Waterloo Libraries 
  • Wednesday Walks in WiImot’s Wonderful Woods- July 31st from 7:00 - 8:00 p.m.
  • Castle Kilbride Concert Series continue on Thursday nights between 7:00 -8:00 p.m. running until August 29th
  • Blood Donation Event at Steinmann Mennonite Church- August 5th from 2:00 - 8:00 p.m.
  • The New Hamburg Board of Trade is hosting two upcoming events:
    • Music in Kirkpatrick Park, featuring Twas Now - August 7th at 7:00 p.m.
    • Cruise Night on Huron St & Peel St - August 16th from 5:00 - 9:00 p.m.
  • Mopar Fest in New Hamburg- August 17th and 18th 
  • Wilmot Fire Department’s Administrative Division has moved to 30 Neville Street New Hamburg, ON
  • Wilmot Aquatic Centre is offering Adapted Aquatics this Fall
  • Grand River Transit online survey regarding Township transit service options


  • Moved by:Councillor S. Cressman
    Seconded by:Councillor S. Martin

    THAT the Mayor, CAO and Manager of Human Resources be directed to proceed with working collaboratively on a revised CAO performance evaluation policy and that the new process/policy be presented in open session by end of September.

    Motion Carried Unanimously
  • Moved by:Councillor S. Martin
    Seconded by:Councillor H. Sidhu

    THAT the Confirmatory By-Law as attached to this Agenda be read a first, second and third time, and finally passed in Open Council. 

    Motion Carried Unanimously


  • Moved by:Councillor S. Cressman
    Seconded by:Councillor S. Martin

    THAT we do now adjourn to meet again at the call of the Mayor.

    Motion Carried Unanimously
No Item Selected