A motion was brought forward by Councillor L. Dunstall, seconded by Councillor S. Martin THAT Council endorse the proposed on-road parking plan on Carmel-Koch Road, including the realignment of its intersection with Wilmot Line, to support public use of the Schneider Lands Bush Trail and enhance safety measures for pedestrians, motorists, and road operations; and, THAT the capital and operating figures required to implement the plan be put forward in the 2025 Budget for consideration.
Director of Infrastructure Services, J. Molenhuis introduced the report.
Council asked and received a response from staff on the following:
- The proposed intersection realignment;
- Potential ongoing operational costs;
- Scalability of the project; and,
- Approaching rare Charitable Research Reserve to assist with the parking costs.
Delegate K. Thomason addressed Council.
Council asked and received a response from staff on the following:
- Implications of not approving the proposed on-road parking plan.
A motion was brought forward by Councillor K. Wilkinson, seconded by Councillor L. Dunstall THAT Council refers the consideration of this motion to the 2025 Budget process. The motion carried.
THAT Council endorse the proposed on-road parking plan on Carmel-Koch Road, including the realignment of its intersection with Wilmot Line, to support public use of the Schneider Lands Bush Trail and enhance safety measures for pedestrians, motorists, and road operations; and,
THAT the capital and operating figures required to implement the plan be put forward in the 2025 Budget for consideration.