Council Meeting Agenda
Council Meeting

Council Chambers - Hybrid
60 Snyder's Road West
Baden, Ontario
N3A 1A1

This meeting will be held in-person and electronically in accordance with Section 238 (3.3) of the Municipal Act, 2001. Please subscribe to the Township of Wilmot You Tube Channel to watch the live stream or view after the meeting.
Delegations must register with the Legislative Services Division. The only matters being discussed at this meeting will be those on the Agenda.



    THAT the Regular Council Meeting held on February 24, 2025 be called to order at 6:45 p.m.



    THAT a Closed Meeting of Council be held on February 24, 2024, at 6:45 p.m. at the Wilmot Administrative Complex, in accordance with Section 239 (2) (b) the Municipal Act, 2001, to consider the following: 

    • Striking Committee – Section 239 (2)(b) personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees.




Council will reconvene in Open Session at approximately 7:00 p.m. and continue with the Agenda as presented.


    THAT Council reconvenes in Open Session at X:XX p.m.



Councillor K. Wilkinson 





    THAT the Agenda as presented for February 24, 2025 be adopted.

Members of Council and members of the Township’s local boards are required to file a written statement when they have a conflict of interest. If a conflict is declared, please review the Policies and Rules for Council  and complete the Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest Form.


    THAT the Minutes of the January 27, 2025 Regular Council Meeting and the February 3, 2025 Committee of the Whole be adopted as presented.





Pursuant to Council’s Procedural By-law, delegations are permitted to address Council for a maximum of seven (7) minutes. General Interest Delegation are included below. Only three General Interest Delegations are permitted at each Regular Council Meeting. General Interest Delegations must register by noon on the Monday prior to the Council meeting date. Specific Interest Delegations are only permitted to discuss matters listed on the Council agenda as staff reports; informal and formal public meetings; notice of motions; and by-laws. All Specific Interest Delegations where possible are encouraged to register prior to the start of the meeting. For Specific Interest Delegates who are attending in-person, registration is permitted up to the start of the meeting. Specific Interest Delegates who are interested in attending virtually must register by 12:00 p.m. on February 24, 2025, in order to participate electronically.







    THAT Consent Agenda Items 12.1, 12.2, and 12.3 be approved.


    THAT the PMP Working Group – Terms of Reference as described in Report CAO-2025-02 - Prime Minister’s Path Project Terms of Reference as Attachment 1 be approved.


    THAT the Petition for Drainage Works by Owners Quiet Oak Dairy Farms and K. & K. Hunsberger be accepted as described in Report COR-2025-05 - Petition for Drainage Works by Owners- Quiet Oak Dairy Farms and K. and K. Hunsberger; and further,

    THAT K. Smart Associates Limited be appointed as the engineer firm to prepare a report with instruction as per Section 8(4) of the Drainage Act to include the Quiet Oak Dairy Farms and K. & K. Hunsberger petition in the Section 78 report for the Nicklas Drain.


    THAT Staff be directed to report back with a policy and draft agreement terms related to decorative crosswalk installations in the Township of Wilmot as described in Report IS-2025-03 - Veteran's Decorative Crosswalk.



    THAT Council approve a variance to Township Sign By-law 2002-68 as it applies to the billboard sign located at 374 Hamilton Road, New Hamburg, to increase the maximum allowable percentage of non-Wilmot based content from 20% to 50% of the total sign face subject to the following conditions to be noted on the billboard approval:

    1. If all billboard spaces are occupied and a Wilmot based business or businesses request to be located on the billboard, the first available vacancies be made available to the Wilmot business or businesses prior to the installation of any additional non-Wilmot content; and
    2. If a Wilmot based business has requested to advertise on the billboard, no contracts for advertisements on the billboard for non-Wilmot based content be renewed until such time as the Wilmot based business has been accommodated on the billboard.



    THAT By-Laws as attached to this Agenda be read a first, second and third time, and finally passed in Open Council. 



    WHEREAS Governance Policy HR-002 Hiring and Termination of Employees was issued on November 18, 2019; and,

    WHEREAS this policy applies to the hiring of all positions for the Corporation of the Township of Wilmot; and,

    WHEREAS the Township of Wilmot is committed to ensuring fiscal responsibility, operational efficiency, and adaptability in its workforce; and,

    WHEREAS turnover in staff positions presents an opportunity to evaluate organizational needs and align resources with current priorities; and,

    WHEREAS Council recognizes the importance of maintaining a lean and effective workforce while ensuring essential services are delivered to the residents of Wilmot.


    THAT Council directs Staff to report back to the April Committee of the Whole with recommendations for amendments to the Governance Policy HR-002 Hiring and Termination of Employees which considers the following:

    •  A municipal scan of Hiring and Termination of Employees policies;
    • Reviewing every staff position that becomes vacant due to turnover;
    • Requiring Staff to present to Council a justification for the continuation, modification, or elimination of the position. This presentation must include:
      • A detailed analysis of the position’s roles and responsibilities;
      • An assessment of how the vacancy impacts service delivery and departmental objectives;
      • Options for restructuring or redistributing duties within the department;
      • A recommendation for Council consideration to:
        • Endorse the continuation and filling of the position as is;
        • Approve a modified version of the position to better align with current needs;
        • Reject the justification and allow for the attrition of the position; and,  

    FINALLY THAT Council directs Staff to provide an annual report to Council summarizing the turnover of employees, including positions reviewed, decisions made, and any resulting changes to the organizational structure.


    WHEREAS Lean Government adapts manufacturing principles to public sector processes, focusing on efficiency, waste reduction, and service improvement through streamlined workflows and continuous improvement; and,

    WHEREAS Municipalities such as Toronto, Mississauga, Hamilton, and Peterborough have adopted these methodologies to optimize operations; and,

    WHEREAS the adoption of Lean Government principles brings about several notable benefits:

    • Increased Efficiency: Streamlines operations, saving time and resources.
    • Cost Savings: Reduces costs by eliminating waste without compromising service quality.
    • Improved Service Delivery: Enhances responsiveness and reliability of public services.
    • Employee Engagement: Boosts morale by involving staff in decision-making and problem-solving to promote continuous improvement
    • Improved Permitting Processes: Reducing the time, it takes to issue building or business permits by eliminating unnecessary steps and standardizing workflows.
    • Efficient Budgeting: Implementing Lean principles to create more transparent and efficient municipal budgets.


    THAT Council directs Staff to report back at the June Committee of the Whole Meeting with more information on the Lean Government Program.


    WHEREAS The United States government has indicated a potential 25% tariff on Canadian made goods as of March 2025; and,

    WHEREAS the Canadian Chamber of Commerce’s U.S. Tariff Exposure Index has ranked that Waterloo Region would be the 4th most vulnerable community in Canada to U.S. tariffs; and,

    WHEREAS the potential of these tariffs would have an immeasurable impact on Wilmot residents and local businesses during a time of economic hardship.


    THAT Council directs Township of Wilmot staff to explore options for limiting the impact of the potential United States’ sanctioned tariffs on Township Services; and,

    FURTHER THAT Council directs Township of Wilmot staff to review our current procurement process for opportunities to increase made in Canada provisions; and,

    FINALLY THAT Township of Wilmot Council formally requests that the Waterloo Economic Development Corporation (WEDC), through the Business Economic Support Team Waterloo Region (BEST WR), develop an action plan to support Waterloo Region businesses, including Wilmot businesses, and our collective economic interests.  





    THAT the Confirmatory By-Law as attached to this Agenda be read a first, second and third time, and finally passed in Open Council. 



    THAT we do now adjourn to meet again at the call of the Mayor.