Council Meeting Agenda
Council Meeting

Council Chambers - Hybrid
60 Snyder's Road West
Baden, Ontario
N3A 1A1

This meeting will be held in-person and electronically in accordance with Section 238 (3.3) of the Municipal Act, 2001. Please subscribe to the Township of Wilmot You Tube Channel to watch the live stream or view after the meeting.
Delegations must register with the Legislative Services Division. The only matters being discussed at this meeting will be those on the Agenda.



    THAT the Regular Council Meeting held on November 4, 2024 be called to order at 6:00 p.m.



    THAT a Closed Meeting of Council be held on November 4, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. at the Wilmot Administrative Complex, in accordance with Section 239 (2) (d) and (e) of the Municipal Act, 2001, to consider the following: 

    • St. Agatha Community Centre- Litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board; and,

    • Cost-of-Living Adjustment- Labour relations or employee negotiations.



Council will reconvene in Open Session at approximately 7:00 p.m. and continue with the Agenda as presented.


    THAT Council reconvenes in Open Session at 7:00 p.m.



Councillor S. Cressman





    THAT the Agenda as presented for November 4, 2024 be adopted.

Members of Council and members of the Township’s local boards are required to file a written statement when they have a conflict of interest. If a conflict is declared, please review the Policies and Rules for Council  and complete the Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest Form.


    THAT the Minutes of the October 21, 2024 Regular Council Meeting be adopted as presented.



Pursuant to Council’s Procedural By-law, delegations are permitted to address Council for a maximum of seven (7) minutes. General Interest Delegation are included below. Only three General Interest Delegations are permitted at each Regular Council Meeting. General Interest Delegations must register by noon on the Monday prior to the Council meeting date. Specific Interest Delegations are only permitted to discuss matters listed on the Council agenda as staff reports; informal and formal public meetings; notice of motions; and by-laws. All Specific Interest Delegations where possible are encouraged to register prior to the start of the meeting. For Specific Interest Delegates who are attending in-person, registration is permitted up to the start of the meeting. Specific Interest Delegates who are interested in attending virtually must register by 12:00 p.m. on November 4, 2024, in order to participate electronically.



    THAT Consent Agenda Items 11.1 be approved.


    THAT RFT 2024-08 be awarded to Orion Construction and Management Company to undertake an interior renovation in the apparatus bay of Fire Station 2 in New Dundee, in the amount of $298,862.80 net of HST.



    THAT Report CAO-2024-12 Project Management Support be received, and;

    THAT additional funding be approved for project Municipal Accounting Software Upgrade (1230-003) in the amount of $300,000, to be funded from Infrastructure Renewal Capital Reserve Fund (6125).


    THAT Report COR-2024-28 Council-Staff Relations Policy Review, be received for information; and,

    THAT Staff be directed to bring back the Council-Staff Relations Policy for approval at the November 25, 2024 Council Meeting.


    THAT Report COR-2024-53 Proposed Changes for the 2025 Council Meeting Schedule and Notice Provisions, be received for information; and,

    THAT Council supports the proposed changes to the 2025 Council Meeting Schedule; and,

    THAT Staff be directed to bring back the Committee of the Whole Terms of Reference, 2025 Council Calendar, and Procedural By-law amendments at the November 25, 2024 Regular Council Meeting for adoption.


    THAT Council approve Zone Change Application 04/24 made by 1000685410 Ontario Inc. and GSP Group Inc., affecting lands with the municipal address of 430 Snyder’s Road East, to:

    1. increase the maximum building height from 2-stories to 4-stories; and
    2. decrease the width of a drive aisle servicing angled parking spaces from 6.0m to 5.5m.



    THAT By-Laws as attached to this Agenda be read a first, second and third time, and finally passed in Open Council. 





    THAT the Confirmatory By-Law as attached to this Agenda be read a first, second and third time, and finally passed in Open Council. 



    THAT we do now adjourn to meet again at the call of the Mayor.