A motion was brought forward by Councillor S. Martin, seconded by Councillor H. Sidhu THAT Council approve a variance to Township Sign By-law 2002-68 as it applies to the billboard sign located at 374 Hamilton Road, New Hamburg, to increase the maximum allowable percentage of non-Wilmot based content from 20% to 50% of the total sign face.
Manager of Planning and Economic Development, A. Martin provided an introduction to the report.
Council asked and received a response from staff on the following:
- Clarification on the non-Wilmot based content.
A motion was brought forward by Councillor L. Dunstall, seconded by Councillor S. Cressman THAT Council amends the motion to strike out 50% and replace with 35%.
Council asked and received a response from staff on the following:
- Clarification on how to change the provisions of the Township Sign By-law to ensure Wilmot businesses are prioritized; and,
- Clarification on the removal of non-Wilmot businesses.
Council now voted on the amendment. The motion was defeated.
A motion was brought forward by Councillor K. Wilkinson, seconded by Councillor S. Cressman, THAT Council amends the motion to add AND THAT Council directs Staff to report back on the possibility for new non-Wilmot based business advertisements to be renewed by the billboard company on an annual basis to coincide with the billboard sign renewal by the Township or to provide alternative solutions to achieve the goal of Wilmot based content being prioritized. The motion carried unanimously.
Council now voted on the main motion, as amended.